
Refresh token

This is an OAuth 2.0 term that refers to a token used to renew an access token and be issued a new one.

Resource owner

This is an OAuth 2.0 term that refers to the owner of the data stored in the resource server. 

Resource server

This is an OAuth 2.0 term that refers to a server that provides a user's resources to an application.

Only when an application sends a request with a valid access token will it accept the request and provide a user's resources to the application.


REST (Representational State Transfer) is a constraint used to create web services. It is a software architecture style that defines the resources present in the network and a methodology for specifying the address of each resource.

RESTful API refers to API (Application Programming Interface) designed according to the REST format. 

• URI specifies a resource

• URI then defines CRUD actions for resources

• Create - POST (resource creation)

• Read - GET (resource information inquiry)

• Update - PUT (resource information update)

• Delete - DELETE (resource deletion)